About us

The Times, The Guardian, Daily Mail, The Telegraph, The Sun, Metro, The Express, City AM, Evening Standard, The Mirror, The Observer – along with celebrities, influencers and household names – all publish positive content that consumers trust in partnership with Hurst Media.

Our double-page spreads, advertorials, branded content and competitions are placed within national newspapers, magazines and influential online platforms to cost effectively target tightly-defined audiences. From art lovers to agriculture; brides-to-be to business people; fitness fans to foodies, and many more: Hurst Media’s promotional content gets brands, products and services noticed by their main markets.  Hurst Media supported over 2000 clients with affordable, impactful trusted media advertising campaigns last year. 

We have a trusted media partnership agreement in place with every major national newspaper, including The Times, The Sunday Times, Daily MailMail Online, The Sun, The Sun Online, The i, The Guardian, The Observer, The Evening StandardThe Metro, The Telegraph, Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, Daily Express, Sunday Express and City AM. Hurst Media is now the single largest classified advertiser for many of these publications.

As well as our partnerships with national newspapers and magazines, Hurst Media’s branded content and advertorials appear on influential online platforms including MailOnline and The Sun Online. We help advertisers create awareness, drive traffic to websites and engage with their target audience through content they’ll love in trusted editorial environments.

Specialist independent planners and buyers at Hurst Media regularly reduce brands’ marketing and advertising costs. They can procure advertising space at preferred rates from any media company across any platform: broadcast, online, print, outdoor and more.

The Professional Publishing Association has regularly shortlisted Hurst Media Company in its Independent Publisher Awards, and the company enjoys excellent reviews on Google, Trustpilot, Facebook and Glassdoor.

Our Team

James Hurst

Managing Director

Rowan Willing

Director of Finance

Hanna Omaraie

Head of People

Sean Lewis

Head of Agency

Andreea Dinca

PA/Office Manager

Adele Johnson

Office Coordinator

Mike Yabbey

Credit Controller

Eric Van Langenberg

Credit Controller

Joseph McLaven

Media Manager

Kyle Stephenson

Media Manager

Neil Bhullar

Media Manager

Danielle Gray

Media Coordinator

John Fox

Media Consultant

Rob Williams

Media Consultant

Gary Bryant

Media Consultant

Nichola Halle

Media Consultant

Sebastien Oates

Media Consultant

Sujan Jesuraja

Media Consultant

Alex Cook

Media Consultant

Holly Ireland

Media Consultant

Gabriel Ali

Media Consultant

Daniel Barton

Media Consultant

Maddie Black

Media Consultant

Edward Young

Media Consultant

Jesse Green

Media Consultant

Kurran Pooni

Media Consultant

Syed Kamal

Media Consultant

Paul Demetriades

Media Consultant

Andrew Heskins


Jonathan Lewis

Production Coordinator

Tom Norland

Junior Designer

Claire Muffett-Reece

Editor of Celebrity Secrets

Tia Hurst

Social Media Manager

Darren Crew

Advertising Agency Manager

Gemma Chambers

Finance Administrator

Sabina Shaikh

Head of Production

George Loizou

Production Coordinator

William Jones

Marketing Executive

Haashim Yoosuf

Marketing Executive

Theodor Dricu

Media Consultant

Yan Prabhu

Media Consultant

Daniel Cooper

Media Consultant

Fred Dubery

Media Consultant

Andrew McKenzie

Advertising Agency Manager

Frankie Winckless

Media Consultant

Calvin Brady

Media Consultant


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