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Financial Services distributed with The Evening Standard


Our latest publication, Financial Services, was published on the 17th September

This full-colour tabloid, high-quality publication had a print run of 225,000 copies within the London and Carlton regions, targeting the wealthy, influential AB/ABC1 demographic. With an online distribution model going out to a further 250,000 subscribers.

It gave The Evening Standard readership a deeper insight into borrowing, investing and saving.

Packed full of interesting features, a particular focus was made to get to the bottom of why more people than ever are starting their own business.

Financial Services also included features on how to plan for an inheritance tax strategy, the best mortgage deals for first-time buyers, where is best to buy in the UK, and how to plan for retirement. This rich editorial gave readers the knowhow and tips they will need to get the most of out their money.

We also spoke to a self-made millionaire Dave Fishwick, who knows a thing or two about savings and investments, to find out how others can follow in his footsteps…

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